Monday, July 5, 2010

Go on, go on, go on...

Why hello there! No I didn’t hack into anyone’s account; I’m Just My Other Blog’s new writer. By which I don’t mean that I’m the only writer on this blog. I’m the third writer. Uh, I’m getting myself in knots here! Oh yeah, what a way to begin my first ever post on the blogosphere. Way to go, Coco.
My name’s Coco, I’m turning sixteen later this year, I go to the same school as Trinna, but not B, because she goes to a different school (well duh). I like food and sitting pretty in the sun. #imcoollikethat. I tend to use Twitter hash tags and trends on every social networking site I go on. Just bear with me.
I think I had better sign off before I hurt myself...


T R I N I T Y . said...

I love your first post! I think I started mine with “why hello there” too. #werecoollikethat.

LadyNansei said...

It's EEEEE My name is spelt BE now. Get it right